Health and Bath Salts

Bath Salts
Bath salts are soluble, usually dead solid products intended to be added to a bath, either to improve cleaning, provide a medical improvement, to improve the experience of bathing, or to dish up as a vehicle for makeup agents.

Examples of bath salts include:

Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts)
Sodium chloride (table salt)
Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
Sodium hexametaphosphate
Sodium sesquicarbonate

Interested in knowing the effects of bath salts??

Scientific research has presented the following benefits:
Bath salts affect the muscles and nervous system.
Bath salts provide a diversity of benefits to a bather.
They change the osmotic balance of water so that fewer salts are leeched from the skin via osmosis
Bath salts actually reduce the wrinkling effect of long-drawn-out contact of skin
Some bath salts such as phosphates have a detergent action which softens calloused skin and aids in exfoliation.
They also increase the exact gravity of the water and add to cheerfulness which makes the body feel lighter in the bath.
They are often used to take off the assets of natural mineral baths.

Interested in a discovery?
Do you want to discover the curative powers of bath salts?
Bath salts provide real delicious delight and cleanse your body if long placed in a tub.
It also has a remedial effect on your mind, heart, and soul whether you have sore, tired feet from standing all day, or a stiff back from working at your desk.
Bath salts can help improve the way you feel and alleviate away the tension.
Adding a little bath salt in water surprisingly helps improve your circulation

People with back pain, arthritis, muscle tension or spasms, and minor work and sports injuries can use bath salts to get rid of all these pains.
Bath salts open the pores to purify the skin and cleanses away dirt and sweat and makes you feel fresh and healthy
Bath salts also softens you skin by removing dryness and helps improve certain irritations like insect bites or calluses

On the whole, bath salts have a too much to offer. They absolutely give you fresh look and feel which keeps you active throughout the day. These salts are crucial to use everyday or might as well twice a day. Whenever you feel tired after an exhausting gym hour or working day, feel free to take shower using bath salt you will certainly feel different.

Speleotherapy or underground climatotherapy is an alternative treatment for asthma used in Eastern Europe10. It involves spending 2-3 hours a day underground in subterranean caves or salt mines over a 2-3 month period. This rather old therapeutic modality without a scientific explanation seems to give some benefit to patients with COAD and asthma.
10. Karakoca Y, Demir G, Kisacik G et al. Speleotherapy in asthma and allergic diseases. Clin Exp Allergy 1995;25:666-667.
Ukrainian allergologic hospital (UAH) - is the greatest in the world speleotherapeutic clinic, where for more than 30 years is successfully applied the unique microclimate of salt mines in treatment and rehabilitation of patients with all forms bronchial asthma and other chronic nonspecific lung diseases (CNLD).
During this period about 60000 patients were cured with high efficiency. The hospital is designed for simultaneous reception of 260 persons. Annually more than 2000 adults and 1000 children improve their health in the clinic. UAH is located in the foothill zone of Ukrainian Carpathians in the valley of the river Tisa with soft climatic conditions.
Medicinal factors
To umprove patients' health three basic medical factors are applied: Specific microclimate of salt mines, water of salt workings, brine and mud of salty lake (with high content of bromine ions). The original complex of medical factors on the base of UAH allows to provide health improvement not only for patients with CNLD, but also for patients with psoriasis, neurodermitis, allergic dermatitis, conditions after burns, patients with disfunctions of nervous system, diseases of sexual sphere and organs of support and motion.
UAH has a department of speleotherapy (underground treatment); a surface complex, which includes 3 therapeutic departments for the adults, pediatric department, wards of intensive therapy and reanimation, X-ray, stomatological and allergological consulting rooms, ORL-room, laboratory-diagnostic department, department of physiotherapeutic treatment with a cabinet for acupuncture, halls for medical physical training and consulting room for functional diagnostics. Besides at UAH there is a comfortable zone of rest on salty lakes.
Such structure of UAH allows ensuring a complex individual approach to diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of each patient.
Medical process
During the initial period (after arrival to the clinic) every patient undergo diagnostics to reveal peculiarities of the phase, duration, severity of the disease and associated pathology. After that the patient is offered a complex of medical measures according to his individual features, directed on the achievement of maximal effect and duration of remission.
To increase the effect of speleotherapy in UAH is widely used various nature-therapeutic methods for health improvement - thermal- and electro-treatment, inhalation and drinking phytotherapy, various forms of massage, laser-therapy, aromotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine, medical physical culture. Qualified personnel with application of modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation allow carrying out the whole process of treatment on high level.
The experience of UAH confirms, that speleotherapy is one of the simple and highly effective methods of non-medical treatment and rehabilitation of patients with various chronic nonspecific lung diseases

Negative Ions clean the air of:
Pollen (grass, weed and tree pollen)
Dust mites
Animal dander
Mold spores
Hay fever
Air purifying and freshening
Odor reduction
Smoke elimination
Seasonal affective disorder
Chronic fatigue